Mother's Day Poem - "God is Enough"

Nine months she gladly bears
The fruit of the womb within
Whispering her gospel prayers
As God’s blessing forms therein
To the expecting mom: God’s grace is enough
Sleepless nights she must endure
God alone keeps her sane
Christ close by keeps her sure
Even then, Jesus will reign
To the nursing mom: God’s help is enough
No time for herself
Needs never seem to end
But Christ offers himself
In Jesus, O what a friend
To the rearing mom: God’s peace is enough
Almost too much for her to bear
The dreaded weight of mommy guilt
Once again, she failed to care
Jesus’ blood wraps her like a quilt
To the guilty mom: God’s forgiveness is enough
Why Lord, another miscarriage?
Heaven’s blessing seems withheld
How does she not feel disparaged?
By sheer grace she remains upheld
To the grieving mom: God’s comfort is enough
She burns innately by design
To start a family of her own
But fears she’ll miss the Lord’s deadline
Yet Christ in heart sits enthroned
To the aspiring mother: God’s glory is enough
O God, for more love and support
She works, cooks, and cleans alone
If only a dad could here exhort
God the Father is still her backbone
To the single mom: God’s love is enough
That annual dark cloud once more
The second Lord’s Day in May
Grief unleashed, who will restore?
Only Christ on Resurrection Day
To the motherless: God’s hope is enough
Another impasse not seeing eye-to-eye
Mother and daughter hardened heart
How, O Lord, will this to you glorify,
Lest your Spirit grants us a fresh start?
To the conflicted mother: God’s restoration is enough
Teach that word, O spiritual mother
We need more women to know the Book
Build the Scriptures in one another
Your labors, the Lord will not overlook
To the spiritual mother: God’s reward is enough
You, O Mother, have fought the good fight
You enjoy the labor of your hands
Christ, your anchor, worked his might
To shape your kids according to his plans
To the faithful mom: God’s faithfulness is enough
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