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Pursuing lives of wholehearted love for Jesus Christ and our neighbor.

The church exists for the glory of God, but each local church must determine how that will be lived out in their community. So, how does Church at Bergen see this mission being fulfilled?

  • Pursuing lives: We never settle but are always seeking to grow in our love for Jesus Christ and our neighbor in every area of life, not just Sundays. (Philippians 3:13-14; 1 Timothy 6:11-12; 2 Timothy 2:22; 1 Corinthians 6:19-20; Romans 12:1; Colossians 3:4)
  • Wholehearted Love for Jesus Christ: Jesus is worthy of the most ardent love, free from all reservation, hesitation, or competition. (Matthew 22:36-37; 1 Corinthians 16:22; Psalm 119:10; 2 Thessalonians 3:5; Revelation 3:16)
  • Wholehearted Love for our Neighbor: Wholehearted love for Jesus creates a risky, vulnerable, and generous love for the family of God, our next door neighbors, and the city in which we live. (1 Thessalonians 2:8; 2 Thessalonians 3:5; 2 Corinthians 12:14; Philippians 2:17)

Where are we going?
Vision 2026

This is a picture of where we as a church are headed towards in the future. We hope and pray that by God’s grace, the following can be said of Church at Bergen in 5 years.

We are a united family pursuing lives of wholehearted love for Jesus Christ and our neighbor in the gospel. We have a welcoming spirit that stands in contrast to an exhausted, transient, and isolated culture, making it a place of refuge for the weary and broken to walk through our doors and belong. Prayer is the visible engine that drives and sustains the church with over 50% of members actively participating in our weekly prayer gatherings. Every member takes seriously the call of discipleship for all generations so that every stage of life is being discipled. Church members are intentionally sought out and equipped as leaders in the home, in life, and in the church. The members are faithfully overseen and shepherded by a united brotherhood of 8 or more qualified elders. The practical needs of the church are cared for by an eager team of qualified deacons. Our worship gatherings reflect our culturally diverse family and have an atmosphere of Holy Spirit authenticity and passion for the glory of God and the gospel of grace. We are built up by sound doctrine in the pulpit through a plurality of biblically faithful and earnest men of God. We are known for the way we serve and give generously in our local areas and neighborhoods. We have been integral, by God’s grace, in the conversion of more than 25 souls to Christ. We have begun the process of launching one church plant or church revitalization, and strategically support 10 gospel-preaching missionaries and church planters. We are a church that is holy, humble, and joyful in Jesus Christ, who is our life.