Sundays @ 10 AM
We worship at 10 AM every Sunday. Our kids ministry (BergenKIDS) is available for infants-5th grade during the worship service. If this is your first time attending Church at Bergen you can register your kids by clicking the link below. We can't wait for you to join us! You can also livestream the sermon on our YouTube page below. The livestream will begin at approximatley 10:20 AM when the sermon begins. Be sure to subscribe!
Who are we?
We don't have it all figured out, but we are humbly seeking to be a family with a welcoming spirit that stands in contrast to an exhausted, transient, and isolated culture, making it a place of refuge for the weary and broken to walk through our doors and belong. By God's grace, we hope to be a spiritual home for failures, stumblers, and weak people to come and find identity and rest in the risen Jesus Christ. It's not about what we offer, but who we offer that makes us fling our doors wide open for all people.