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Plan Your Visit

We are so excited to have you join us in worship! By letting us know you are coming in advance, we will be sure to connect with you ahead of time and one of our hosts will greet you when you arrive. Our host will answer any questions you may have, show you around our building, and invite you to sit with them during the service.

Click here to plan your visit today! Questions? Reach out to our Connections Director, Jackie Levesque.

What & Where

Church at Bergen gathers on Sundays at 10 AM at 348 Evelyn Street in Paramus, New Jersey right off of Route 17. The main entrance to Church at Bergen is in the back of the building behind Virtual Golf and Guerilla CrossFit. Our building doesn't look like many NJ Churches, so look for the signs as you drive up. We are all about Jesus and His message. We teach the bible and desire to be a place of growing Christians, doubters, skeptics and learners. Hope to have you join us.

Below, you can see a map of where CaB is in relation to Route 17 and Garden State Parkway, in the heart of Northern NJ. The green parking lots indicate those lots which we can use for parking, red indicating those which we cannot.





The centrality of Jesus is in everything that we say from the front on Sunday. While you will learn things through the preaching on how life is meant to operate, your purpose, how to serve your spouse in marriage, parent your children, or work as an act of worship— that’s not really the point. Because without Jesus, nothing matters. It’s because of Jesus that we can rightly live and interact with others and Himself the ways God intended. This means we teach from the Bible, because the Bible is all about Jesus. Our primary diet of teaching is expository, which means we go through whole books of the Bible, verse by verse, to show you what the whole Bible teaches and how it relates to Jesus.

The sermons are about 45 minutes. Why do we do this? Because the Bible tells us that faith comes by hearing the word of God, the Bible. So we want to preach as much of it as we can. All our sermons are online, so you can check this out by giving a listen here.


We not only worship Jesus through hearing His Word, but through singing and declaring the realities and truths that we learn about Him. We sing an ecclectic collection of songs, incorporating modern, vintage and fresh takes on old hymns. Music is part of the way in which we prepare our hearts and minds to hear the word and to respond to that word. Click here to access a playlist of our corporate worship songs.

Lord's Supper

As part of our worship we celebrate the Lord's Supper weekly as a way of remembering the centrality of Jesus in all things. 


Sunday BergenKIDS programing is offered during our 10 AM worship service for children nursery through 5th grade.  If this is your first time attending a service at Church at Bergen, please fill out THIS FORM to simplify your check-in experience on your first visit.  We can't wait to have you join us!  To be included in our family newsletter, or with any questions related to BergenKIDS, please email Barbara Krieger, our BergenKIDS Coordinator.