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The Fear of The Lord

July 7, 2024 Preacher: Dave Levesque Jr Series: Summer in The Psalms

Topic: Expositions Scripture: Psalm 34:1–10, 1 Samuel 21:8–15

In today's sermon, Associate Minister Dave Levesque detailed the concept of the fear of the Lord as framed in Psalm 34, focusing on verses 1-10. He split these verses into three main segments. The initial area, comprising verses 1-3, was explained as an invitation to worship. Dave underscored the necessity of praising God in all circumstances, with both speech and heart being essential in voicing a genuine devotion to the Lord. The next zone, verses 4-7, was represented as a confession of faith, in which David relayed his experience of seeking the Lord and subsequently overcoming his fears. Dave underlined the significance of trust in God's goodness during troublesome times. The fear of the Lord, he explained, guides us to find solace in Him. The concluding section, verses 8-10, was the detailed exploration of the fear of the Lord. Dave explained that the fear of the Lord is a deep respect and admiration born out of a humble heart. He stressed that experiencing God's goodness first-hand steers us towards a profound comprehension and fear of the divine. In closing, Dave touched down upon two essential questions: Do I genuinely fear God, and if not, how do I start? He suggested actionable steps like prayer, digesting scripture, regular worship, fellowship, and seeking guidance from experienced, mature Christians. He finally motivated the congregation to introspect their conception of fear and reevaluate their connection with God with a range of questions. The sermon closed with the lyrics of hymn, "Through All The Changing Scenes In Life" written in 1696 and a prayer seeking divine assistance in achieving a deeper level of worship and reverence, and asking for the Lord's guidance towards living lives that glorify and honor Him.

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